Key Takeaways
Vessel of Hatred
brings new season & class bal changes, making Spiritborn the new meta in
Diablo 4
- Sorcerer & Barbarian see minimal changes, Druid gets companion buffs, Necromancer & Rogue remain strong.
- Spiritborn offers easy leveling and huge endgame potential, outpacing other classes for season 6 in
Diablo 4
Diablo 4’s Vessel of Hatred expansion brings with it a new season, and thus a whole host of class balance changes. As well as adding the new Spiritborn class, which is quickly becoming the new meta, Blizzard has made changes to some underperforming classes, abilities, and gear.
Diablo 4: Hardest Classes To Master, Ranked
These classes in Diablo 4 can be incredibly tough to master, even for experienced players.
This means there are all kinds of new viable endgame builds to experiment with. It also means that the best class argument has been shaken up, and any previous class tier lists are going to need a rethink. For those wondering which class to pick first for season 6, these are the best-performing options right now.
6 Sorcerer
Still Strong But Had The Least Adjustment
Best Leveling Build: Firewall
Key Passives
- Firewall rank 5
- Hydra rank 5
- Familiar rank 1 (Enchanted)
- Teleport rank 1
- Ice Armor rank 1
- Flame Shield rank 1
- Fireball rank 1 (Enchanted)
- Any basic skill rank 1
- Aspect of Searing Wards (helm)
- Juggernaut’s Aspect (chest)
- Serpentine Aspect (gloves)
- Aspect of Concussive Strikes (pants)
- Ghostwalker Aspect (boots)
- Aspect of Elemental Constellation (staff)
- Conceited Aspect (ring)
- Aspect of Creeping Death (ring)
- Combustion
- Fiery Surge (Full Tree)
- Elemental Synergies
- Inner Flames
- Elemental Dominance
- Glass Cannon
- Evocation
- Mana Shield
Best Endgame Build: Chain Lightning
Key Passives
- Chain Lightning rank 5
- Unstable Currents rank 5
- Teleport rank 1 (Enchanted)
- Ice Armor rank 1
- Ice Blades rank 1 (Enchanted)
- Flame Shield rank 1
- Familiar rank 1
- Fire Bolt rank 1
- Heir of Perdition (helm)
- Raiment of the Infinite (chest)
- Lightning Rod Aspect (gloves)
- Axial Conduit (pants)
- Storm Swell Aspect (weapon)
- Conceited Aspect (offhand)
- Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop (ring)
- Ring of Starless Skies (ring)
- Enlightenment
- Hoarfrost
- Warmth
- Invigorating Conduit
- Elemental Synergies
- Evocation
- Mana Shield
- Protection
Best Mercenary: Subo
Sorcerers definitely benefited least from the Vessel of Hatred patch, but their primary build options remain similar and are still effective. Leveling is relatively straightforward, but players will need to hit more specific gear requirements and focused builds to challenge the endgame bosses and The Pit.
5 Druid
More Companion Buffs
Best Leveling Build: Stone Burst
Key Passives/Spirit Boons
- Stone Burst rank 5
- Petrify rank 5
- Poison Creeper rank 1
- Debilitating Roar rank 1
- Earthen Bulwark rank 1
- Hurricane rank 1
- Wind Shear rank 1
- Vasily’s Prayer (helm)
- Juggernaut Aspect (chest)
- Aspect of Anticline Burst (gloves)
- Stormshifter’s Aspect (pants)
- Aspect of the Changeling’s Debt (weapon)
- Aspect of Retaliation (amulet)
- Subterranean Aspect (ring)
- Ring of Starless Skies (ring)
- Gift of the Stag (deer)
- Avian Wrath (eagle)
- Masochistic (snake)
- Bestial Rampage
- Heightened Senses
- Resonance
- Envenom
- Stone Guard
Best Endgame Build: Wolves
Key Passives/Spirit Boons
- Wolves rank 5
- Cataclysm rank 5
- Ravens rank 1
- Blood Howl rank 1
- Debilitating Roar rank 1
- Shred rank 1
- Maul rank 1
- Harlequin Crest (helm)
- Spirit Bond Aspect (chest)
- Aspect of the Stampede (gloves)
- Storm’s Companion (pants)
- Shepherd’s Aspect (weapon)
- Aspect of the Alpha (amulet)
- Mjölnic Ryng (ring)
- Moonrage Aspect (ring)
- Packleader (Wolf)
- Iron Fur
- Vigilance
- Call of the Wild
- One With Nature
- Envenom
- Toxic Claws
- Feral Aptitude
Best Mercenary: Varyana
Diablo 4: Best Weapon Types For Infernal Horde
In order to thrive in this endgame content, picking the best weapon types is optimal.
Druids have seen some skill adjustments via the DLC patch, with Stone Burst becoming a nice viable ability to main while leveling. Companions have also seen some general buffs in the most recent patches, which makes endgame builds focused on Wolves a strong choice.
4 Barbarian
New Player Friendly
Best Leveling Build: Tactical Ground Stomp & Dust Devils
Key Passives/Technique
- Ground Stomp rank 5
- Double Swing rank 5
- War Cry rank 5
- Challenging Shout rank 1
- Rallying Cry rank 1
- Leap rank 1
- Lunging Strike rank 1
- Relentless Berserkers Aspect (helm)
- Wildbolt Aspect (chest)
- Executioner’s Aspect (gloves)
- Aspect of Bul-Kathos (pants)
- Aspect of Perpetual Stomping (boots)
- Aspect of Fierce Winds (2H weapon 1)
- Windlasher Aspect (2H weapon 2)
- Aspect of Earthquakes (1H weapon 1)
- Two-Handed Axes
- Imposing Presence
- Martial Vigor
- Battle Fervor
- Unconstrained
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Swiftness
Best Endgame Build: Death Blow Berserker
Key Passives/Technique
- Death Blow rank 5
- Wrath of the Berserker rank 5
- Bash rank1
- Charge rank 1
- Leap rank 1
- Rallying Cry rank 1
- Ugly Bastard Helm (helm)
- Tibault’s Will (pants)
- Yen’s Blessing (boots)
- Overkill (2H weapon 1)
- The Third Blade (1H weapon 1)
- Banished Lord’s Talisman (amulet)
- Ring of Red Furor (ring)
- Aspect of Voracious Rage (ring)
- Aspect of Encroaching Wrath (gloves)
- Two-Handed Axes
- Warpath
- Martial Vigor
- Raid Leader
- Irrepressible
- Unconstrained
- Heavy Handed
- Concussion
Best Mercenary: Varyana
The meta around the Barbarian hasn’t changed much, but its balance of survivability and damage makes it a good choice for newcomers. Using Leap for mobility and Charge for breaking crowd control effects are still strong options in any build, and Berserking is still the best way to augment most Barbarian builds.
3 Necromancer
Minion Lovers Rejoice
Best Leveling Build: Minions & Blood Surge
Key Passives/Book of the Dead
- Blood Surge rank 5
- Soul Rift rank 5
- Corpse Tendrils rank 4
- Iron Maiden rank 1
- Raise Skeleton rank 1
- Reap rank 1
- Juggernaut’s Aspect (helm)
- Aspect of Hardened Bones (chest)
- Blood-bathed Aspect (gloves)
- Aspect of Occult Dominion (pants)
- Blood Getter’s Aspect (boots)
- Aspect of Frenzied Dead (amulet)
- Aspect of the Great Feast (ring)
- Aspect of Reanimation (ring)
- Skeletal Warrior Skirmishers
- Skeletal Mages, Cold
- Golem, Iron
- Imperfectly Balanced
- Fueled by Death
- Kalan’s Edict
- Hellbent Commander
- Death’s Defense
- Skeletal Mage Mastery
- Skeletal Warrior Mastery
Best Endgame Build: Empowered Minions & Soul Rift
Key Passives/Book of the Dead
- Soul Rift rank 5
- Corpse Tendrils rank 5
- Blood Mist rank 2
- Decrepify rank 1
- Raise Skeleton rank 1
- Reap rank 1
- Heir of Perdition (helm)
- Tyrael’s Might (chest)
- Aspect of the Great Feast (gloves)
- Aphotic Aspect (pants)
- Aspect of Occult Dominion (boots)
- Aspect of Grasping Veins (amulet)
- Ring of Mendeln (ring)
- Aspect of Reanimation (ring)
- Skeletal Warriors, Reapers
- Skeletal Mages, Shadow
- Golems, Iron
- Kalan’s Edict
- Skeletal Mage Mastery
- Skeletal Warrior Mastery
- Bonded In Essence
- Hellbent Commander
- Necrotic Carapace
- Amplify Damage
Best Mercenary: Raheir
Necromancer is a great class for some top-tier builds in season 6. Minions have received several buffs, and a focused minion build is now fully capable of taking on the Diablo 4 endgame. Un-updated but strong abilities like Blood Lance and Bone Spear remain fully viable, too, and Blood Surge builds remain the best way to quickly climb to Level 50.
2 Rogue
Still Has Incredible DPS Potential
Best Leveling Build: Dance of Knives
Key Passives/Specialization
- Dance of Knives rank 5
- Dark Shroud rank 5
- Concealment rank 1
- Cold Imbuement rank 1
- Smoke Grenade rank 1
- Shadow Step rank 1
- Invoigorating Strike rank 1
- Juggernaut’s Aspect (helm)
- Umbrous Aspect (chest)
- Edgemaster’s Aspect (gloves)
- Aspect of Concussive Strikes (pants)
- Aspect of Star Shards (amulet)
- Aspect of Synergy (ring)
- Aspect of True Sight (ring)
- Aspect of Arrow Storms (1H weapon 1)
- True SIght
- Stutter Step
- Siphoning Strikes
- Evasive
- Malice
- Deadly Venom
- Momentum
- Frigid Finesse
Best Endgame Build: Flurry
Key Passives/Specialization
- Flurry rank 5
- Death Trap rank 5
- Dark Shroud rank 5
- Concealment rank1
- Cold Imbuement rank 1
- Shadow Step rank 1
- Puncture rank 1
- Harlequin Crest (helm)
- Tibault’s Will (pants)
- Beastfall Boots (boots)
- Aspect of Encircling Blades (gloves)
- Banished Lord’s Talisman (amulet)
- Ring of Starless Skies (ring)
- Breakneck Bandit’s Aspect (1H weapon 1)
- Doombringer (1H weapon 2)
- Preparation
- Sturdy
- Weapon Mastery
- Balestra
- Momentum
- Second Wind
- Aftermath
- Frigid Finesse
Best Mercenary: Raheir
Diablo 4: 11 Best General Unique Items, Ranked
Diablo 4 has an abundance of items and riches to sift through. Here are the best Unique options for any class.
Season 5 led to some incredibly strong Rogue builds, and that’s only been enhanced in season 6. Whether players want to get up close and personal with Flurry or spin-to-win at range with Dance of Knives, the Rogue is a great choice that provides solid damage output, heavy crits, and near-infinite CC.
1 Spiritborn
New Class And Best Class
Best Leveling Build: Quill Volley
Key Passives/Spirits
- Quill Volley rank 5
- The Seeker rank 5
- Razor Wings rank 5
- Ravager rank 4
- Thunderspike rank 1
- Rushing Claw rank 1
- Aspect of Binding Morass (helm)
- Duelist’s Aspect (chest)
- Aspect of Redirected Force (gloves)
- Aspect of Interdiction (pants)
- Aspect of the Moonrise (ring)
- Rebounding Aspect (weapon)
- Eagle Augments (ring)
- Eagle Innovation (any available)
- Eagle (Primary Spirit)
- Jaguar (Secondary Spirit)
- Velocity
- Brilliance
- Acceleration
- Furnace
- Vital Strikes
- Supremacy
- Intricacy
Best Endgame Build: Touch of Death
Key Passives/Spirits
- Touch of Death rank 5
- Ravager rank 1
- The Hunter rank 1
- Scourge rank 1
- Vortex rank 1
- Armored Hide rank 1
- Counterattack rank 1
- Thrash rank 1
- Aspect of Binding Morass (helm)
- Duelist’s Aspect (chest)
- Aspect of Redirected Force (gloves)
- Aspect of Interdiction (pants)
- Aspect of Apprehension (boots)
- Rod of Kepeleke (weapon)
- Insatiable Aspect (amulet)
- Aspect of the Moonrise (ring)
- Ring of the Midnight Sun (ring)
- Jaguar (Primary Spirit)
- Jaguar (Secondary Spirit)
- Prodigy’s Tempo
- Resolution
- Supremacy
- Vehemence
- Potent
- Unrestrained Power
- Balanced Exertion
- Patient Guard
- Resilient
Spiritborn is the newest class added to Diablo 4 and, as one might expect, the class had been balanced towards the game’s new difficulty modes and tuned in favor of the players jumping in with Vessel of Hatred. They are a potent starting class that’s easy to level without specific gear, and their end-game damage potential is huge. They’re currently outpacing all the other classes in terms of viable endgame builds for season 6.
- Released
- June 6, 2023
- OpenCritic Rating
- Mighty