How to Sell Fish in Fisch

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To progress in Fisch, players need to earn a lot of money. And the best way to do this is to catch fish. Depending on the rarity and size, they can bring you a lot of Tokens. So in this guide, we will tell you how to sell Fish in Fisch.

Money is needed to buy Bait Crates, new Rods, unique items, and Boats. Therefore, selling fish is almost the most important activity in this Roblox experience. However, professional anglers should know how to do it correctly.


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Where to Sell Fish in Fisch

Fisch Merchant

When you first start your fishing journey in Fisch, you need to complete the tutorial. During this, players are told how to sell fish, but not all aspects of it. Despite this, the way to sell fish in Fisch always remains the same; namely, you always need to interact with the Merchant NPC.

The first one is located on Moosewood Island. Fortunately, you do not need to return here every time to earn money. Other such NPCs can be found on almost all islands:

  • Sunstone Island
  • Snowcap Island
  • Roslit Bay
  • Terrapin Island

Players only need to sail to the pier on the island to see the Merchant NPC. Fortunately, they are marked even when you are quite far from them. However, it is important to note that you should be careful not to sell valuable items.


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How to Sell Fish in Fisch

Fisch Merchant

When interacting with the Merchant, you will have several options to choose from:

  1. I’d like to sell this
  2. I’d like to sell my inventory
  3. I’d like to buy a fishing rod
  4. Who are you?
  5. Nevermind

To sell fish in Fisch, players only need the first two lines. For the first one, you must have an item or fish in your hand. This is a convenient way to sell one or several items. At the same time, the second option will sell your entire inventory, except Legendary and Mythic fish. To sell such a rare catch, you have to interact with the Merchant NPC again.

Also, right-clicking on items in your inventory will mark them as Favorited. This mark will protect your most valuable items from being accidentally sold. We recommend you mark Enchant Relics as Favorited, as they can easily be sold with other common catches accidentally.

This way, players will easily earn a lot of Tokens in Fisch. But to increase your earnings, you will have to catch rarer and larger species of fish. So don’t forget to change fishing spots and use rods with a high Luck stat.


September 1, 2006

Roblox Corporation

Roblox Corporation

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