How To Get And Use Skill Conversion Book In Throne And Liberty

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While it sets out to follow many of the same beats as its contemporaries, Throne and Liberty also ensures that it does enough of its own thing to set it apart from the crowd. This includes its class system, which does not revolve around choosing a specific kind of character, i.e. mage or warrior, but rather is about the weapon combinations a player chooses. Players can experiment with a handful of combos to find the right fit for their favored playstyle, using things like Skill Conversion Books to supplement their character builds.


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These tools are a way for the game to allow players to circumvent its two-character-per-player limit. It allows people to play around with different abilities and weapons and give themselves different experiences all on the same character. However, using Skill Conversion Books is not a simple task that the game will lay out for players to understand. Here’s a rundown on how these items work and what players can use them to do in Throne and Liberty.

How To Use Skill Conversion Books In Throne And Liberty

Throne and Liberty - Skill Conversion Book in inventory

To understand Skill Conversion Books, players first need to understand the Skills system in the game. Each weapon has its own set of Skills that can be used by the players in combat.

As people use these Skills, they can level them up to boost their damage, cooldown, and overall effects. This is how a player can invest in their weaponry, and thus, their build.


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The Skill Conversion Books can then be used via a player’s Inventory to transfer all the experience that a player has invested in a weapon’s Skills to then move them to another set.

So, if a player has invested heavily in the Greatsword Skills, they can use one of these Skill Conversion Books to take the experience from those Skills and invest in those of the Staff or Dagger.

How To Get Skill Conversion Books In Throne And Liberty

Throne and Liberty - Zenus's Star Shop Conversion Books

Through playing the main story of Throne and Liberty, players will come into possession of many Skill Conversion Books. If not used throughout the narrative, a player will easily have enough to completely change their build once they have reached the max level of 50.

However, this is not the only way to get ahold of Skill Conversion Books. Players can also purchase them from Zenus’s Star Shop, which can be accessed through the game’s Battle Pass.

To purchase a Skill Conversion Book from the shop, a player will have to spend 250 Star Crystals per each one. This is not a small price to pay, so players need to know that they want to convert their build before buying one.

Simply progressing through the Battle Pass will give a player more and more Star Crystals, with a total of 380 Star Crystals available throughout the entire process. This means that they will only be able to afford one Conversion Boo. Again, players will need to be committed to changing up their build before making the decision to purchase a Skill Conversion Book.

Throne And Liberty

October 1, 2024


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