How to Find All Showcase Events in Forza Horizon 4

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Forza Horizon 4 offers a plethora of amazing races, ranging from Stuntdriver challenges to Top Gear collab races. One type of race that has particularly caught players’ attention is the Showcase Events. These carefully curated races prioritize visual spectacle over pure skill, allowing you to drive a specific vehicle and compete against unique opponents.

If you’re wondering how many Showcase Events there are and where they’re located, you’ve come to the right place.


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How Many Showcase Events Are There In Forza Horizon 4

While Forza Horizon 4 features a wide variety of race types, the same cannot be said for the Showcase Events, as there are only five in total. Fortunately, unlocking them isn’t too difficult.

You’ll unlock three of the events when you qualify for the Horizon Roster, which happens early in the game. The other two are unlocked by earning more Influencers. You should be able to unlock all five races without much trouble in the early hours of gameplay. The five Showcase Events are:

  1. The Behemoth Showcase
  2. The Flying Scotsman Showcase
  3. The Horizon Motocross Showcase
  4. The Delta-Wing Showcase
  5. The Halo Experience Showcase


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All Showcase Map Locations in Forza Horizon 4

Finding Showcase Events isn’t a difficult task, but these races can easily get lost among the myriad of other races on the world map. To view all races clearly, you should first filter the world map to display only the Showcase Events. This will make the world map more readable and help you locate the races more easily.

  • The Behemoth Showcase and The Flying Scotsman Showcase are located in the upper left region of the world map, just west of Glen Rannoch.
  • The Horizon Motocross Showcase can be found on the lower right side of Derwent Water Lake.
  • The Delta-Wing Showcase is situated in the lower portion of the world map, specifically to the lower right of the Horizon Festival Site.
  • Lastly, The Halo Experience Showcase is located along the western coast of the world map, just south of the Arthur’s Seat region.

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