Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered: The Grave-Hoard Walkthrough
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How to Restore Power to the Bunker Door
Continue Exploring the Grave-Hoard
The search of Maker’s End proved to be productive for Aloy in the previous main quest of Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered. She learned the identity of the mysterious woman and discovered the term Project: Zero Dawn. She also found another potential lead to learn more about this mysterious project, and in the Grave-Hoard further answers can be found. Here is what you can expect as you begin The Grave-Hoard.
This walkthrough contains spoilers, proceed with caution.
Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered Review
Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered is an undeniable upgrade over the original game with even-better graphics than before.
Go to the Grave-Hoard
After you’ve completed Maker’s End, your next step will be to go to the Grave Hoard. The Grave Hoard is far north of Mother’s Crown around the area where The Frozen Wilds DLC takes place. As you get closer to your destination, you will encounter a Shell-Walker Site. You can either ignore them, or take them out for their supplies. There is also a Watcher patrolling nearby, so keep an eye out for it.
As you get close to the entrance to the Grave Hoard, you will see a group of Eclipse guarding the path. Take them out and continue up the path toward the remains of the large machine. The entrance is in a hole in the ground south of the camp fire. There will be a couple of guards and a Corrupted Watcher immediately at the entrance. After you’ve dealt with them, go down the zipline that leads you deeper into the ruins.
How to Restore Power to the Bunker Door
There will be plenty of datapoints for you to collect from the corpses as you go. Continue going through the narrow hallways and destroyed rooms. Further in, you will find another zipline that goes down. At the bottom, you will come across a bunker door that has no power.
To fix it, turn left and go further into the cave. This leads into an open chamber with four terminals directly ahead of you and eight located on the floor below you. These terminals are referred to as holo locks, and they all need to be rotated into certain positions to restore power.
Focusing on the locks at the bottom of the chamber, the first set is easy because the terminal on the left shows you the position that the holo locks need to be in. For the first set, the red spot on each lock should be in the following order: Up, Up, Down, Down. If entered correctly, the locks will glow a light blue and the red disappears.
The second set of locks on the bottom floor is trickier. Unlike the first set, you are not given the combination on the machine next to it. Next to the machine is a datapoint with an audio file. Listen to this file to get the following hint:
Bird flies north in summer, east in spring, west in fall, and south in winter.
In the case of the puzzle, the bird refers to the red part of the lock and the position that it needs to be in. Ignore the seasons, as that part isn’t important for solving the puzzle. The solution for this puzzle from left to right is as follows: Up, Right, Left, Down. You can see the solution in the image above.
The terminal upstairs also gives the solution for the four holo locks as well, which is Up, Down, Left, and Right. If you activated all three sets, the door will have power again.
Continue Exploring the Grave-Hoard
Head back to the door and go through it. Beyond this door is another one of the power cells needed to get the Shield Weaver armor. There will also be a a group of eight Eclipse cultists and a Corrupted Watcher.
Unlike the outside, there are fewer spots to hide. Nevertheless, try to take out as many as possible with stealth so that you will have an easier time in a fight if you end up getting detected. One of the cultists is armed with a Deathbringer Gun, so watch out for them.
When all the enemies are dead, go across the narrow walkway and jump across to the other side. After that, look to the left to spot a part of the rock wall ahead that you can jump and latch onto. Move to the right to reach a spot where you can go up toward the ray of light.
In this next area, you can go left or straight into a room ahead of you. The room has some datapoints you can collect while the hallway takes you closer to your destination. In the next room, you will see a holo-projector that you can activate. After a brief bit of dialogue, enter the next chamber via the door on your right.
Destroy the Deathbringer
Just like Maker’s End, you come across another Deathbringer. This one, however, is able to move around. It is also accompanied by five Eclipse cultists. Go around the platform and rappel down. Be mindful of which direction the Deathbringer is facing, as even if you manage to stealth kill the cultist down at the spot where you rappel down the Deathbringer will notice you pretty quickly.
Take out the cultists and then keep setting the Deathbringer on fire with Fire Arrows. Make sure to keep moving and stay behind cover as the Deathbringer will be constantly unleashing a barrage of attacks on you.
Search the War Room
With the Deathbringer destroyed, go through the door underneath the stairs. Go through the hall to reach the War Room where there is another holo projector. Activate it and watch the holo video.
When the video is done, a door opens, revealing a ladder that goes up. Using this ladder takes you back outside and completes this quest.