Hardest And Easiest Evergaol Bosses
Key Takeaways
- In Elden Ring, Evergaols are locations where players can encounter various bosses. These bosses offer unique rewards and can be quite challenging to defeat. Here is a list of some of the Evergaol bosses, their rewards, weaknesses, and locations:
- Agon’s Scarseal Talisman Fire Damage, Lightning Damage, & Stance Damage The Weeping Evergaol is found northeast of the Fourth Church of Marika in the western portion of the Weeping Peninsula.
- Ancient Hero of Zamor 3600 Runes & Meteorite Sorcery Physical Damage & Stance Damage The Royal Grave Evergaol is to the east of Caria Manor.
Stuck on Margit or some other Elden Ring boss whose name starts with George R.R. Martin’s name initials? The good news is that Elden Ring always offers alternatives or detours. Just leave those demigods to wallow in their superiority complex and come back stronger after seeking out some of the lesser bosses. The game has plenty of these and the most accessible of them are in Evergaols.

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These are essentially prisons in the Elden Ring overworld that house some challenging yet manageable bosses. Evergaols are also scattered throughout the open-world map and are conspicuous enough. With that said, some players might want to be a bit cautious with the boss prisons they bust open since even some Evergaol bosses are pretty tough. So here’s a difficulty hierarchy so the Tarnished know which to prioritize or avoid.
Updated October 14th, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: The Evergaols were a very interesting mechanic in Elden Ring, as they appeared very mysterious at the start, but are basically just glorified gates that take the Tarnished to a separate arena for a boss fight. However, in terms of lore, every boss found in an Evergaol has a reason for being there or being trapped in there, and this even includes the bosses found at the bottom of the Gaols that are in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. It’s easy to forget just how many Evergaol bosses there are in Elden Ring, so let’s take the time to go through them all, one-by-one, and talk about what they drop, how to fight them, and where to find them.
13 Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
Forlorn Hound Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
1900 Runes & The Bloodhound’s Fang Curved Greatsword |
Lightning & Stance Damage |
The Forlorn Hound Evergaol is located just south of, well, Agheel Lake South on top of a small hill. |
Bloodhound Knight Darriwil is the first of many pushover Evergaol bosses on here, but it makes sense since he’s meant to be fought pretty early in the game. He and his prison AKA his ‘Gaol’ are associated with Blaidd’s questline as Darriwil is being ‘hunted down’ by Blaidd all for the sake of Ranni’s aspirations.
If players proceed to this Evergaol through Blaidd’s quest, they can even summon him to help out in the fight. But, while he’s helpful, it’s not all that necessary as Darriwil doesn’t have too much HP and his moveset is pretty limited.
12 Adan, Thief Of Fire
Malefactor’s Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
3800 Runes & The Flame of the Fell God Incantation |
Lightning, Backstabs, & Attacking While He’s Casting |
Malefactor’s Evergaol is just on the cliff overlooking Liurnia Lake Shore. Players can get there through a jump pad. |
Adan, Thief of Fire is one of the earliest Evergaol bosses players will face and for one of the most uniquely designed Evergaol encounters he’s sadly pretty easy to beat. He’s slow and his weapon has a short range. As one would expect from the ‘thief of fire’, Adan uses fire Incantations, in particular Flame of the Fell God and Catch Flame, but even those are slow enough avoid with ease.
With how relaxed he is in the fight, players can also sneak in a good number of backstabs using the tried and true From Software method of circling around the enemy while locked on until you end up at their backside. This makes Adan one of the least imposing Evergaol bosses in the game. To offset this a bit, he has a singular healing Flask, but he’s also vulnerable while taking a swig, so you can typically offset what he heals in the same moment that the healing activates.
11 Bols, Carian Knight
Cukoo’s Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
4600 Runes & Greatblade Phalanx Sorcery |
Slashing Damage, Poison, Scarlet Rot, Bleed, & Stance Damage |
The Cuckoo’s Evergaol is located on the western bank of the ‘lake’ in Liurnia of the Lakes. |
Bols, Carian Knight can be more accurately described as a basic Troll enemy counter with some extra magic spells thrown in on top. Anyone who’s had their fair share of run-ins with Trolls in the overworld shouldn’t have any problem with Bols. For melee characters especially, it’s a cakewalk since all they have to do is dance around Bols’ feet, hacking away at his HP.
He doesn’t stagger quite as easily as the standard Troll enemies, but he still staggers pretty quickly compared to a lot of the other enemies in Elden Ring overall. Just watch out for his Greatblade Phalanx Spell, as this can really take a chunk out of your HP bar if you’re not careful.
10 The Ancient Hero Of Zamor
Weeping Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
The Ancient Hero of Zamor |
5400 Runes & Radagon’s Scarseal Talisman |
Fire Damage, Lightning Damage, & Stance Damage |
The Weeping Evergaol is found northeast of the Fourth Church of Marika in the western portion of the Weeping Peninsula. |
It’s rare for Evergaol bosses to be truly unique encounters, as many of them are just cloned boss fights from later areas or basic NPC invaders using a specific spell, incantation, or weapon. The Ancient Hero of Zamor is no different, as the Zamor Knights appear as a common enemy later on in the Mountaintops of the Giants. Still, it is a bit special since this fight is the first to introduce the Frost ailment before most Elden Ring players would stumble across it naturally. And mechanically, this boss is very wiley and can be a real pain to actually pin down to get any real damage in.

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The real danger with the Ancient Hero of Zamor lies in their ice breath ability as it has a surprisingly long range and can inflict Frostbite in an instant. But, as long as you take advantage of it’s weaknesses and learn the telegraphs for its different attacks, the Ancient Hero of Zamor really isn’t a difficult encounter in the grand scheme of things.
9 Alabaster Lord
Royal Grave Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
3600 Runes & Meteorite Sorcery |
Physical Damage & Stance Damage |
The Royal Grave Evergaol is to the east of Caria Manor. Players will have to go through the spectral Royal Knight Loretta, the boss of Caria Manor first to access the area surrounding the fortified mansion, so keep that in mind. |
Like other medium to large-sized Evergaol encounters, the Alabaster Lord is very slow. In fact, it’s accurate to say he mostly just wanders the arena menacingly, patiently waiting for players to get too close. He’s tanky, but not ‘that’ tanky, and with a decently upgraded weapon you can tear through his HP pretty quickly.
The biggest thing to be careful of, however, is his Gravity Magic. His only other ace-in-the-hole is a sword plunge that deals area damage around him. After this, he’ll open up a portal and launch some gravity balls at the player, but dodging these is pretty simple. As long as you’re cautious of this attack, the Alabaster Lord is a lot more bark than bite.
8 Battlemage Hugues
Sellia Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
7800 Runes & Battlemage Hugues Spirit Ashes |
Everything but Magic Damage |
Getting to Sellia Evergaol is a little complicated. First, players will have to access the Dragonbarrow area in Caelid. From the Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace, they’ll need to head east and then down south once they’ve reached the pillar that originally had the area’s map sitting underneath it. |
Battlemage Hugues is also another straightforward battle that doesn’t require too much prep work or studying in advance. This caster has a large club that can easily flatten you if you’re not careful but the good part about fighting him in melee range is that this means he won’t cast his ranged spells much at all, and those are what can be really troublesome.
However, you’ll still have to watch out for his melee-range sorcery, the Gavel of Haima, as it easily does enough damage to kill the Tarnished if they’re in the lower-level range. Luckily, Hugues is easy to Stagger, and Staggering him will typically interrupt his casting as a result, which can create a chain of interruptions ending with his demise.
7 Godefroy The Grafted
Golden Lineage Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
26000 Runes & Godfrey Icon Talisman |
All Physical Damage Types (Standard, Slash, Strike, & Pierce) |
The Golden Lineage Evergaol is just past the bridge tunnel east of the Erdtree-Gazing Hill. |
Godefroy the Grafted, as his name implies, is related to Godrick the Grafted, who’s one of the Shardbearers and the main boss of Stormveil Castle. Related is a generous word, as this boss is nothing more than a cheap clone of the Godrick boss fight except without the phase two triggering at 50 percent HP. In fact, while part of the golden lineage, nobody really remembers Godefroy much at all.
So anyone who already had a lot of practice whittling down Godrick’s first phase shouldn’t have an issue with this fight at all. Still, it can be tricky for some players since Godefroy still hits hard when his attacks do manage to connect.
6 Curseblade Labirith
Bonny Gaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
100,000 Runes & Curseblade Meera Spirit Ash |
Slash Damage & Sleep Ailment |
At the bottom of the Bonny Goal in the Lands of Shadow (Exclusive to the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC) |
Moving on to the Goal bosses found in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, first up is Curseblade Labirith. This is essentially just a boss variant of the Curseblade enemies found throughout the Lands of Shadow, with the most iconic ones being found in the Belurat Tower and by extension Enir-Ilim. These enemies are some of the most frustrating ones to encounter while exploring the DLC, as they’re absurdly aggressive, have very long attack chains, are difficult to stagger, and do quite a bit of damage.
Labirith functions very similar to the standard Curseblade, but this variant can also cover the arena in shadow and hide within said shadow, which can be frustrating to deal with. Essentially, just wait out its long attack strings, punish with jumping Heavy Attacks or standard Heavy Attacks when there’s a window, and dealing with Labirith shouldn’t take that long.
5 Lamenter
Lamenter’s Gaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
160,000 Runes & Lamenter’s Mask |
Lightning & Physical Damage |
At the bottom of the Lamenter’s Gaol in the northwestern area of Charo’s Hidden Grave (Exclusive to the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC). |
The Lamenter is such an odd boss, there’s no other way to say it. This is the boss the Tarnished will encounter at the bottom of the Gaol named after him, and he’s not too difficult to deal with. In general, the Lamenter really doesn’t deal a whole lot of damage with his attacks. He can enlarge his head to knock you back, summon slow-moving projectiles, throw some punches, or summon clones that’ll inflict his Curse. Essentially, after summoning his clones, if you leave any of them alive for too long, they’ll trigger a floating Lamenter head to appear in a circle around the Tarnished. Once this counter reaches seven, it’ll instantly kill the player and there’s no way to avoid it. So, as long as the Tarnished stays focused on DPS and pays attention enough to find the real one once he summons clones, the Lamenter shouldn’t put much of a fight up at all.
4 Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
Belurat Gaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
80,000 Runes & Demi-Human Swordsman Yosh |
Staggering, Slash Damage, Fire Damage, Poison Ailment, & Scarlet Rot Ailment |
At the bottom of the Belurat Gaol to the east of Belurat Tower Settlement (Exclusive to the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC). |
Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze is the boss hiding at the bottom of Belurat Gaol, and he’s pretty incredible. As far as enemy variant bosses go, Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze is one of the more memorable examples due to the weapon he uses. Onze is essentially what it would be like if From Software through a Yoda knockoff, complete with a lightsaber, into Elden Ring as a boss. Onze uses a Star-Line Sword, a weapon that uses glintstone to extend the blade and deal magic damage, and he’s very proficient with it.

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However, despite how overwhelming it might seem to have Onze flipping all around the Tarnished trying to tear them apart, this boss is actually pretty easy purely because he’s so easy to stagger. With enough stamina and with proper timing, you can keep Onze staggered for basically the full length of his health bar, which is honestly a bit of a shame.
3 Roundtable Knight Vyke
Lord Contender’s Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
75000 Runes, Fingerprint Armor Set, & Vyke’s Dragonbolt Incantation |
Lightning Damage, Backstabs, & Stance Damage |
The Lord Contender’s Evergaol is just northeast of the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace. It’s on a cliff facing directly to the south. |
Some Evergaol bosses are total pushovers and are really no different from NPC invaders. NPC invaders can be a lot scarier than bosses in some ways, but for the most part, they just have too many weaknesses in their AI to really be all that scary. Festering Fingerprint Vyke is one of those, which is a shame given his in-game lore connections to the Frenzied Flame. Despite the legends about Vyke, when you actually fight against him he’s not really all that tough of an opponent.
Like with most other NPC invaders, you can take advantage of backstabs and jumping heavy attacks to keep Vyke constantly flattened on the ground on staggered, not really even giving him the opportunity to show off his beloved Dragon Communion Incantations. Still, it’s absolutely worth fighting him, as his Armor Set has to be one of the best-looking ones in Elden Ring overall, in terms of visuals.
2 Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader
Ringleader’s Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
88000 Runes & Black Knife Tiche Spirit Ashes |
Stance Damage, the Sentry’s Torch ‘weapon’, Standard, Strike, & Slash Damage as well as Frost Damage |
To get to Ringleader’s Evergaol, players need to have unlocked the Moonlight Altar as part of Ranni the Witches’ Questline. The Evergaol is on the northwesternmost tip of the plateau that houses the Moonlight Altar area. Just follow the road that heads northwest from the Moonlight Altar Site of Grace. |
Alecto, Black Knight Ringleader is where the Evergaol bosses start becoming trickier, which is funny given that there’s only one other Evergaol boss on this list. She’s a Black Knight Assassin and those are already a pain to fight, especially for those of you who don’t have the Sentry’s Torch that reveals invisible enemies.
Thankfully, Alecto doesn’t really utilize stealth the same way her colleagues do, but she does love that unique command grab-like assassinate attack. Her HP pool is a bit large compared to the other Black Knight Assassins but Alecto is easily Staggered, you just need to watch out for when she does land a hit because her damage is pretty high.
1 Crucible Knight
Stormhill Evergaol
Name |
Rewards |
Weaknesses |
Location Description |
2100 Runes & Aspect of the Crucible: Tail Incantation |
Fire & Lightning Damage |
The Stormhill Evergaol can be found just southeast of Stormhill Shack (the place where the NPC Roderika was resting). It’s near a cliff edge facing directly southeast. |
Speaking of aggression, and no we’re not talking about the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC bosses, none of the other Evergaol bosses can match the Crucible Knight when it comes to being overly aggressive. Don’t be fooled by the early(ish) game Stormhill location of his Evergaol, this boss should not have been placed in a starting area as the first Evergaol. Crucible Knights are just a real pain to deal with no matter when or where they show up.
This particular one in the Stormhill Evergaol is hyper-aggressive, has seemingly infinite poise, and will not let anyone within a few feet of him drink from a flask. His HP is also crushingly high and his damage goes through the roof. Phase two? Forget about conserving HP, his Aspect of the Crucible: Tail Incantation ensures that all player attacks become lopsided HP trades that are rarely in the player’s favor. Of course, compared to a lot of the boss fights in the main game, this Crucible Knight isn’t worth comparing, but when compared to all the other Evergaol bosses, this same Crucible Knight is a lot scarier.

- Released
- February 25, 2022
- How Long To Beat
- 58 Hours