Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero – Best Versions Of Goku, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Sparking! Zero has a diverse roster of 182 characters, with variants of Goku offering unique movesets and strengths.
  • Players can strategically build teams within 15DP limit, balancing characters’ strengths and abilities for optimal performance.
  • Goku’s different forms in Sparking! Zero offer a range of moves, buffs, and Super/Ultimate attacks, catering to various playstyles.

The developers at Dimps had fun with the Dragon Ball franchise when they made the Budokai fighting games. Then Spike (now Spike Chunsoft) took Goku and the gang back into the arena fighting subgenre for their Dragon Ball: Sparking series (though in the West, the games were renamed to Budokai Tenkaichi to play off Dimps’ games). People thought the series ended after Tenkaichi Tag Team came out, and DBZ moved to other developers.


Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero – 6 Moves You Need To Master

The combat in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero isn’t overly challenging, there are still some key moves that every player must master.

But now, it’s back as Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, retaining its Japanese name and bringing in 182 characters from across the series (mostly DBZ and Dragon Ball Super) to battle it out, over 20 of which are different variants of Goku, and some are stronger than others. The game has only just come out, so things could change as players find out which moves work better, but for now, these are the strongest incarnations of Goku in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero.

10 Goku Super Saiyan (Z-End)

A Sturdy Team Option At 6DP

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Z-End SSJ1 Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Wild Sense


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

Saiyan Spirit


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

Super Kamehameha



Super Energy Wave Combo



Instant Transmission Kamehameha



Akin to Capcom Vs SNK’s Ratio system, Sparking! Zero balances its characters out with Destruction Points (DP). Players can form teams of up to 5 characters, so long as they total up to a maximum of 15 DP. That way, they’ll have to make the most of everyone on the roster instead of stacking all the Gogetas and Vegitos together.

So, players might end up finding room for Super Saiyan Goku from the end of DBZ. He’s mobile enough to get around opponents, and anyone who closes in on him can be countered with his Wild Sense. Then, his Saiyan Boost will double his strength, speed, and meter. On top of that, his Instant Transmission Kamehameha can trick opponents into a false sense of security, teleporting right in front of foes to blast them.

9 Goku Super Saiyan (Z-Mid)

The Original Raging Blast Available For Just 6DP

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Z-Mid SSJ1 Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Wild Sense


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

Now I’m Angry


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

Super Kamehameha



Meteor Smash



Angry Kamehameha



This is odd. Super Saiyan Goku from the middle of DBZ is a bit stronger than his more advanced self — for now, at any rate. He’s got the same mobility and counters, including the Wild Sense instant counter. However, he doesn’t have the Instant Transmission Kamehameha anymore. Instead, he trades off Z-End’s mobility for more power.

‘Now I’m Angry’ will boost his stats and put him into Sparking Mode, where he’ll be able to do his Ultimate Blast attack: the Angry Kamehameha. It’ll rip through opponents with a yellow beam attack. Though, if players want to be careful with their Skill Points and ki, his Super Kamehameha will still do heavy damage, and the Meteor Smash will knock opponents around like a pinball. If players want a more offensive Goku, Mid-Z Super Saiyan Goku offers it on a plate.

8 Goku Super Saiyan 3 (GT)

Immense Strength, Tiny Body, And 7DP

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- GT SSJ3 Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Saiyan Spirit


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

High Tension


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

Super Kamehameha



Full-Power Energy Blast Volley



Dragon Fist



Dragon Ball GT has its fans, and they’ll be happy to see its kid version of Goku go Super Saiyan 3 — particularly if they don’t have room in their team to fit his Super Saiyan 4 form. At 7DP, he still leaves enough room for an equally stronger partner. He combines the best of the Super Saiyan 1 Gokus in being both very mobile and having the heft to blast foes away.


Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero – 4 Fun Characters Who Made Their Fighting Game Debuts

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero has 150+ characters, including a few who are making their fighting game debuts.

His smaller size and extra agility make him harder to pin down, which makes it easier for the player to strike back with a quick combo or activate his buffs. Both Saiyan Spirit and High-Tension will boost his offense and meter gain. Then, he can use the Full-Power Energy Blast Volley to pummel them into submission — or break out the Dragon Fist to finish them off.

7 Goku Super Saiyan God (Super)

Divine Power Comes With Divine Responsibility (And 7DP)

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Super SSG Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

God Bind


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

Shenron Aura


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

God Kamehameha



God Impact



God Burst Kamehameha



If players don’t like Kid Goku, they can skip to Super Saiyan God Goku from Dragon Ball Super. He costs the same amount of DP, though being adult size, he’s a slightly bigger target for opponents to catch with attacks than his kiddy counterparts. Luckily, he’s got some unique skills to fight back with. God Impact and his Ultimate Attack, God Burst Kamehameha, pack a lot of punch.

But, the deadliest weapon in his arsenal is actually one of his simplest. God Bind basically acts as a free stun attack, leaving the opponent open to more punishment. That is, if it’s used correctly. They could pummel them with more strikes, or use their skill points to double their offense, speed, and defense with Shenron Aura. He requires a more tactical approach to energy use, though, as players must consider how they use their skill points.

6 Goku Super Saiyan 3 (Z-End)

Samsonian Hair & Strength, All For 7DP

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Z-End SSJ3 Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Instant Transmission


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

Power Up to the Very Limit


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

Super Kamehameha



Super Dragon Twin Fist



Dragon Fist



If Super Saiyan God Goku doesn’t strike players the right way, they could go for the luscious locks and lack-of-eyebrows of Super Saiyan 3 Goku from DBZ‘s end. Beyond having the mother of all hairdos, he can use Instant Transmission to give players a fantastic mobile option. It costs Skill Points, but it takes the guesswork out of mastering Super Perception and its follow-ups.

Then, he can go back on the offensive with his own skills. Power Up to the Very Limit will instantly put him in Sparking Mode, which makes Rush Combos last longer and hit harder. Super Dragon Twin Fists will pound enemies to bits and blow them away at point-blank range with twin energy blasts. To finish it off, the Super Kamehameha does what it says on the tin: provide a souped-up version of the chargeable beam attack.

5 Goku Black Super Saiyan Rose (Super)

The Pink & Black Attack Takes Up 8DP

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Super SSR Goku Black

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Instant Transmission


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

Audacious Laugh


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

Black Kamehameha



Godly Display Slash



Godly Black Kamehameha



Zamasu may be the one in the driver’s seat, but Goku Black was made to provide an evil Goku to contend with, and his Super Saiyan Rose (SSR) form offers an evil version of the SSGSS form. Though, for the sake of simplicity, this list will skip the Fused Zamasu forms as they’re more Zamasu than Goku. Then, to avoid repetition, the best Gogetas and Vegitos have been covered elsewhere.


Dragon Ball: Why The Goku Black Mystery Was Worth It

Despite the fact that Goku Black was a simple enemy, the mystery behind him was worth the intrigue in the story.

So, what does Goku Black SSR bring to the table? He’s got the same mobile options and counters… only he can use Instant Transmission, instantly go into Sparking mode with Audacious Laugh, and rip through opponents with Godly Black Kamehameha. It’s an Ultimate Blast attack, but if players can connect with it, it’ll leave opponents at death’s door. Otherwise, the regular Black Kamehameha and Godly Display Slash will help rack up the damage.

4 Goku Super Saiyan 4 (GT)

Monkey Magic For Just 8DP

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- GT SSJ4 Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Instant Transmission


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

All I Need is 5 Seconds


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

x10 Kamehameha



Meteor Crash



Dragon Fist



Getting back in touch with his inner ape, GT Goku regained his tail and his adult form by becoming Super Saiyan 4 Goku. He’s just as nippy as the other Gokus, but if the player has Skill Points to spare, they can skip mastering High-Speed Evasion and go straight for Instant Transmission. Then, they can zip up to their foes in a flash.

All I Need is 5 Seconds will buff his offense, defense, and energy threefold, and he’s got his own versions of the Meteor Crash autocombo — and, of course, the almighty Dragon Fist rips through his foes. His x10 Kamehameha offers more power than a Super Kamehameha too, and it doesn’t need to be charged. It does need 3 ki bars to use, though, so players have to manage their meters carefully.

3 Goku Ultra Instinct -Sign- (Super)

8DP To Bring Goku Close To His Full Potential

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Super UIS Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Even Greater Potential


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

You’ll Never Beat Me


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

Kamehameha -Sign-



Flash -Sign-



Point-Blank Kamehameha



Goku Black SSR, Super Saiyan 4 Goku, and Goku Ultra Instinct -Sign- (UIS) don’t leave much room for team members, DP-wise, costing 8DP each. Though, considering they’re the equivalent of bringing a railgun to a knife fight, they don’t really need as many allies to help out — particularly when UIS Goku offers the same dashes and offensive moves of the regular Gokus, the High-Speed Evasion of Super Saiyan 4 Goku, and a range of unique skills.

He’s got two buffs, with Even Greater Potential boosting his offense and defense, and You’ll Never Beat Me putting him in Sparking Mode. Kamehameha -Sign- offers an instant energy blast, and Flash -Sign- is a powerful dashing super. Point-Blank Kamehameha doesn’t require getting up-close, either, but it also requires a clean dash straight at the opponent. He’ll blitz them with strikes before roasting them with his signature beam.

2 Goku Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Super)

Go Beyond Godhood For 8DP

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Super SSGSS Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Instant Transmission


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down



R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

God Kamehameha



‘No Hard Feelings’



Limit-Breaker God Kamehameha



Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku (SSGSS) from DB Super isn’t just a mouthful to say — he’s a handful to deal with as well. He retains Instant Transmission to close the distance in a snap and can tap into Kaioken to double his stats just as quickly. If it’s used well, it can spell the difference between hurting an opponent and finishing them off, especially if he can use God Kamehameha afterward.


Dragon Ball: Every Super Saiyan Form, Explained

The original Super Saiyan transformation has seen multiple variants over the years, but how are they related to one another?

It’s a flashier technique than ‘No Hard Feelings,’ which is actually quite charming in its simplicity, as Goku just dashes and smashes his foe in the face with a hard punch. But, if the player gets really lucky and can combine Kaioken with the Limit Breaker Kamehameha, they can turn the tables ASAP, if not win the bout outright.

1 Goku Ultra Instinct (Super)

Spend 9DP To Master The State Of The Gods

Sparking Zero Strongest Gokus- Super UI Goku

Move Name

Move Type

Move Input

Ultra Movement


R2/RT+D-Pad Up or Down

No Backing Down


R2/RT+D-Pad Left or Right

Ultra Kamehameha



Ultra Barrage



Supreme Kamehameha



Lastly, fans likely expected Goku Ultra Instinct to top the list in terms of raw power — particularly as he only leaves 6DP left for players to figure out who to team him up with. Not that they might need them. He’s swift and strong, with Ultra Movement giving him an extra counter to kick rushing opponents off to a safe distance. For a super-powered buff, he can utilize No Backing Down to double all his stats and put him in Sparking Mode.

The Ultra Barrage acts like a spiced-up version of SSGSS Goku’s ‘No Hard Feelings,’ giving his foe a swift, warping punch with a blitz of strikes before smashing them across the face. The Ultra Kamehameha provides yet another stronger take on the beam attack, but (if they can pull it off) the Supreme Kamehameha will live up to its name and shut the opponent down for good.


Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero – 8 Best What Ifs, Ranked

The What If scenarios in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero showcase what happens if certain key canonical events in the anime played out very differently.

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