Best Potions To Level Alchemy Fast In Skyrim

Key Takeaways

  • Alchemy skills in Skyrim allow players to brew valuable potions with common ingredients for easy alchemy leveling.
  • Gathering ingredients in bulk is a convenient way to level up quickly at the alchemy table in Skyrim.
  • Unique recipes like Potion of Resist Fire or Potion of Fortify Health offer high alchemy experience for skill progression.

In Skyrim, improving the alchemy skill can be beneficial in a multitude of ways. Not only does a higher alchemy level mean players can brew potions and poisons with better effects, but they can also choose perks that will allow them to sell potions for more, making it a great way to make money. Generally, the higher the value of the potion, the more it will improve the players’ alchemy level. While the skill can be learned from books and NPCs, gathering ingredients in bulk while traveling can be a more convenient way to quickly gain experience at the alchemy table.


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There is an abundance of different potions, each beneficial to different builds (archer, warrior, mage), but for players who simply want to level their alchemy skill before making more advanced recipes, the following are the easiest and quickest to make with common and accessible ingredients. There’s no need to risk taking on high-level enemies or waste time searching for rare ingredients.

The value and effects of these recipes are subject to change according to alchemy level and perks. The stats for these potions are according to level 25 alchemy with no skill tree perks.

Updated October 16, 2024, by Rachael Phillips: Thirteen years after the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, alchemy remains a popular skill among players of all kinds of builds. Not only can potions replenish Health, Stamina, and Magicka, but they can also help improve other skills like archery or lockpicking, and offer invaluable buffs during combat. Whether players enjoy roleplaying as an alchemist, making money, or reaping the benefits of potions during their playthrough, it is worth learning some of the easier recipes in order to make the most of accessible ingredients.

15 Potion Of Fortify Lockpicking

Ingredients: Namira’s Rot, Spider Egg

  • Effects: Fortify Lockpicking
  • Value: 18

Although it doesn’t have a particularly high starting value, this Potion of Fortify Lockpicking has a simple recipe that not only provides the player with experience, but also with a practical effect. As the name suggests, it makes picking locks temporarily easier, which is especially handy when coming across a master level lock when the Dragonborn doesn’t have a very high lockpicking level.

Unsurprisingly, Spider Eggs are most commonly found in spider nests, meaning there is a risk of running into eight-legged foes. However, these can be effectively slain with fire or brute force. For those looking to avoid conflict altogether, there is also a chance that alchemists will have some Spider Eggs for sale (or to steal).

14 Potion Of Fortify Conjuration

Ingredients: Bone Meal, Lavender

  • Effects: Fortify Conjuration, Damage Stamina
  • Value: 56

If players don’t mind going the extra mile, they can take on skeletons to get the bone meal ingredient for a Potion of Fortify Conjuring. Although this requires engaging in combat, skeletons are a low level enemy with weak health pools, making them totally tackle-able for players just starting out.

The plus side to this recipe is that the Lavender can be swapped out for a number of other common ingredients, such as Blue Mountain Flower or Frost Salts. This makes it great for players who collect whatever ingredients they stumble across and might already have in their inventory, ready to brew, and mages looking to hone their conjuring skills.

13 Potion of Resist Fire

Ingredients: Dragon’s Tongue, Purple Mountain Flower, Snowberries

  • Effects: Resist Fire
  • Value: 65

Snowberries, as their name suggests, can be found in Skyrim’s snowy regions. Although not as common as the blue variety, the Purple Mountain Flower can still easily be harvested from mountains below the snow line, often without needing to deviate from the paths. Likely dangers include bears, wolves, and sabre cats, but these typically don’t attack in groups, which makes them easier to handle.


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While not yielding as much experience as some other potions, for a recipe that uses easier-to-find, common ingredients, Potion of Resist Fire can be made in high quantities to increase the alchemy skill with barely any effort.

12 Potion Of Resist Fire (A Different Recipe)

Ingredients: Bone Meal, Fly Amanita

  • Effects: Resist Fire
  • Value: 65

Players looking for a simple single effect potion while leveling up their melee might want to try this alternative to the above Potion of Resist Fire. This recipe only has two ingredients but, like the Potion of Fortify Conjuring, requires a bit of bone crunching. Fortunately, players won’t need to venture far. Skeletons can be found in each city’s Hall of the Dead, including Whiterun, but players should be wary of any Draugr accompanying them.

This is a particularly useful potion to make early in the game for a helping hand when fighting fire dragons while still at a low level. Not only will making lots of these potions speed up alchemy leveling, but arm the player with a useful inventory for magic battles.

11 Potion of Resist Poison

Ingredients: Mudcrab Chitin, Nordic Barnacle, Slaughterfish Eggs

  • Effects: Resist Poison
  • Value: 86

Choosing to travel via the coast or lake-dense areas can be an efficient way to obtain ingredients for a Potion of Resist Poison. Slaughterfish Eggs, like Nordic Barnacles, can be found underwater. While Slaughterfish can be tricky to ward off underwater, they can still be lured into the shallows and defeated from the safety of the shore.

While not offering the highest alchemy experience, the close vicinity of all the required ingredients means harvesting them is often a one-trip job, with no need to spend time traipsing across the whole of Skyrim searching for elusive and rare items.

10 Potion Of Fortify Marksman

Ingredients: Juniper Berries, Spider Egg

  • Effects: Fortify Marksman
  • Value: 86

The Potion of Fortify Marksman requires only two ingredients, meaning it is relatively quick to make once players know where to look. While Juniper Berries are common around Markarth, finding Spider Eggs takes a little bit more digging. They are not rare, though, and can be harvested in bulk to avoid returning to spider nests.

As its name implies, this recipe is particularly useful for players working towards an archery build, as it temporarily increases bow damage. Making this potion in mass means faster alchemy leveling, and higher alchemy skill means stronger potions, which means more bow damage. It’s all around useful recipe for early ranged players.

9 Potion Of Resist Poison

Ingredients: Bone Meal, Charred Skeever, Mudcrab Chitin

  • Effects: Resist Poison, Restore Stamina
  • Value: 105

Players who prefer some action will enjoy creating this recipe as it will require some steel clashing to acquire the ingredients. The enemies, Skeletons and Mudcrabs, aren’t too challenging for early players though, and offer a chance to level up their fighting style of choice.

The Resist Poison property of this potion means that the player will be less vulnerable to the venomous spit of creepy crawlies like the Chaurus or Frostbite Spiders, as well as any poisoned weapons they might have the mishap of coming into contact with. This version of the potion also restores stamina.

8 Potion of Resist Shock

Ingredients: Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Snowberries

  • Effects: Resist Shock, Fortify Smithing
  • Value: 125

Potion of Resist Shock requires a couple of fungi species that are commonly found growing in caves, making it a beneficial potion for players who also like exploring or don’t want to spend time specifically searching for ingredients and would rather collect as they go.

Due to the properties of the Glowing Mushroom, this potion also offers the additional benefit of improving smithing, making it not only easy to make but also useful for players looking for fast ways to better their blacksmithing to upgrade armor or weapons.

7 Potion of Regenerate Magicka

Ingredients: Garlic, Mudcrab Chitin, Salt Pile

  • Effects: Regenerate Magicka, Resist Poison
  • Value: 218

Sounding almost like a food recipe, the Potion of Regenerate Magicka is made of common resources such as garlic and salt pile that can be found in kitchens of most homes or sold by vendors. Mudcrabs can be found around most bodies of water and, despite being hostile, are among the lowest-level enemies, so they can be fought with ease.


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For players who enjoy taking the time to battle foes rather than bypass them, Mudcrab Chitin can be obtained by the masses along with the other household ingredients, so this potion can be made in bulk to speedily level up the alchemy skill.

6 Potion of Regenerate Health

Ingredients: Charred Skeever Hide, Garlic, Juniper Berries

  • Effects: Regenerate Health, Resist Poison
  • Value: 218

For alchemist-build players who also want better health regeneration, this potion is particularly beneficial. Juniper berries are easily found in The Reach around Markarth. Fortunately, acquiring a charred Skeever hide doesn’t involve dealing with the vermin, but they can only be found on spits over campfires that are typically at bandit and giant camps. If the player is crafty, they can sneak their way around these foes and take the ingredient.

Not only does a Potion of Regenerate Health offer a fair amount of alchemy experience, but it’s also useful for battling spiders and Chaurus due to its poison-resistant properties (if the player decides to use it rather than sell it).

5 Potion of Regenerate Stamina

Ingredients: Dragon’s Tongue, Fly Amanita, Mora Tapinella

  • Effects: Regenerate Stamina, Fortify Two-Handed, Fortify Illusion, Resist Fire
  • Value: 353

This potion requires a bit of extra foraging but is well worth the effort. Searching for Fly Amanita mushrooms is slightly more dangerous as players will need to look in caves or mines where enemies such as bears, spiders, and bandits reside, but it can be obtained without conflict by sneaking. Dragon’s Tongue can be found most commonly in the tundras of Eastmarch and around Solitude.

Overall, Potion of Regenerate Stamina is a relatively simple recipe that yields an ample amount of alchemy experience, with the extra bonus of fortifying two-handed combat should players run into trouble on their adventures.

4 Potion of Invisibility

Ingredients: Crimson Nirnroot, Luna Moth Wing, Nordic Barnacle

  • Effects: Invisibility, Regenerate Health, Damage Target’s Magicka
  • Value: 363

Crimson Nirnroot can be found exclusively in Blackreach if players are courageous enough to brave the lurking Falmer and Chaurus. While there are only forty-four Crimson Nirnroots in total, these respawn after ten in-game days. Luna Moths can be harder to spot than other insects, hence their invisibility properties when harvested, but they can be found on the side of roads and paths between 8pm and 11pm.


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While the ingredients for Potion of Invisibility are slightly limited and harder to get a hold of, if players are traveling at night or exploring Blackreach, they are well worth keeping an eye out for as making this potion offers a generous amount of alchemy experience.

3 Potion of Fortify Carry Weight

Ingredients: Creep Cluster, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiota

  • Effects: Fortify Carry Weight, Regenerate Stamina, Fortify Illusion, Target Weakness to Magicka, Restore Magicka
  • Value: 410

Potion of Fortify Carry Weight is another potion that greatly increases the alchemy skill with common ingredients. Creep Cluster can be found by the bucket load in Windhelm, while Mora Tapinella grows on fallen trees and stumps in the many forests of Skyrim. Scaly Pholiota can also be foraged but only from birch stumps.

Once players are familiar with the ingredients’ locations and know what to look out for, they can quickly find and harvest them in bulk to make a potion that is both useful and valuable.

2 Potion of Fortify Health

Ingredients: Giant’s Toe, Wheat

  • Effects: Fortify Health, Damage Target’s Stamina Regeneration
  • Value: 473

The Potion of Fortify Health using giant’s toe and wheat is widely deemed as one of the easiest high-value potions to make in bulk and quickly level up players’ alchemy skills. Wheat is one of the most common ingredients that can be found in Skyrim, present at most farms, kitchens, and vendors. While a giant’s toe might seem harder to obtain, if the player uses ranged attacks from an unreachable rocky vantage point, they can kill giants without risk.

An additional bonus of making this recipe is that other easily sourced ingredients such as blisterwort, blue butterfly wings, or blue mountain flowers can be added for variation and to increase the potion’s value.

1 Potion of Waterbreathing

Ingredients: Garlic, Nordic Barnacle, Salmon Roe

  • Effects: Waterbreathing, Regenerate Health, Regenerate Magicka
  • Value: 1391

The Potion of Waterbreathing is one of the most valuable potions in Skyrim, made from easily obtained ingredients. While salmon roe is a slightly more awkward ingredient to get, it can still be found in abundance once one knows where to look. One of the easiest ways to harvest it is by catching jumping salmon near waterfalls, Riverwood being a good starting point. Similarly, Nordic barnacles can be found underwater in clusters, particularly near shipwrecks.

The bonus of this potion is that, once created, the waterbreathing effect makes it easier and faster to collect the ingredients required to make it again.


November 11, 2011

Bethesda Game Studios

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