Best Happy Endings In Horror Games

Key Takeaways

  • Some horror games like Koudelka and Resident Evil Village have surprisingly happy and satisfying endings.
  • Games like The Evil Within 2 and Sweet Home offer bittersweet conclusions with elements of hope and closure.
  • Titles such as Parasite Eve and Amnesia: The Dark Descent provide redemption and light after psychological horror.

When gamers play a horror game like Dead By Daylight, it’s not impossible for horror fans to miss some other scary games referenced or outright lifted to participate in the terrifying death game. After all, games like Dead By Daylight want to show players that, sometimes, the most terrifying killers out there can’t be killed, only outran. However, more hardcore horror fans might realize that the last statement isn’t necessarily the case, especially for extremely specific games.


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In fact, there are actually some horror games with surprisingly happy endings out there for gamers to check out. This can catch players off-guard, especially when dealing with games that have an extremely unsettling or scary premise.

Updated October 16, 2024, by Robbie Mitchell: With Halloween just around the corner, there isn’t a better time to take a look back at some of the best horror games out there. All this horror can get a bit depressing, though, so some fans of the genre may be looking for something a little more wholesome. For said gamers, these horror games end on a happy note. After all, just because a game is scary doesn’t mean it has to be all doom and gloom.

11 Koudelka

A Bitter-Sweet Ending That Is More Happy Than Sad




December 16, 1999


Koudelka is a pretty weird game, even by 90s JRPG standards. Set in late 19th-century Wales, it follows several heroes as they explore a mansion filled to the brim with horrors. Despite featuring many JRPG elements in its tone and storytelling, Koudelka is very much a horror game. That means it’s a pretty gloomy experience, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.


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Unfortunately, one hero, James, doesn’t make it to the end. However, his act of self-sacrifice is at least heroic and gives him an honorable ending. Edward and Koudelka, on the other hand, both survive. While they ultimately split up, they do so in a way that suggests there is hope of a reunion down the line. It is the Nemeton mansion itself that gets the happiest ending. The angry dead that stalked it have been calmed, and its spirits put to rest. Many horrors end with a final reveal that sets up future entries, but Koudelka’s ending is very final and hopeful.

10 The Evil Within 2

Daughter Saved, Fears Confronted, And Everyone Lives Happily Ever After

October 13, 2017

OpenCritic Rating

It’s a good job that The Evil Within 2 gave fans a proper ending considering it seems unlikely that it’ll ever get a sequel, which is a pity. Both entries in the franchise were more than a little dark, but the sequel wrapped everything up with a nice little bow. Considering the psychological aspect of the game’s story, the writers could have relied on the “it was all a dream/hilarious” trope to ruin the story’s happy ending, but thankfully, they didn’t.

For a start, Sebastian succeeds in his primary mission of reuniting with his daughter, Lily, and saving her from the STEM system. He also reconciles with his ex-wife, Myra. She does end up sacrificing herself to destroy Mobius (the franchise’s big bad), but Sebastian at least gets some much-needed closure. The final scene shows Sebastian and Lily happily driving off into the sunset, suggesting that, after all the horrors they’ve witnessed, they can still start afresh. Most importantly, the game’s ending sees Sebastian finally facing and overcoming the “evil within” himself, a major theme of both games. Sebastian doesn’t just get to save the day; he comes out of the game’s events a better person. The only fly in the ointment is a post-credits scene that hints that STEM might be reactivated, but that shouldn’t spoil an otherwise happy ending.

9 Resident Evil Village

Ethan Finishes What He Set Out To Do

Resident Evil Village

May 7, 2021

OpenCritic Rating

Resident Evil Village gets off to a pretty dark start. Poor old Ethan not only loses his wife, but his baby is stolen, too. He’s then transported to an isolated village in Eastern Europe and ambushed by monsters. It’s there that he sets out on a mission to collect the body parts of his dismembered baby girl so he can try and bring her back. While doing so, he must take on werewolves, zombies, and vampires who delight in inflicting terrible bodily harm upon him.

Yet the game has a surprisingly happy, if bittersweet, ending. Ultimately, Ethan wins, even if he has to sacrifice himself in the process. He gets to reunite with both his wife Mia and daughter Rose while also managing to defeat Mother Miranda and destroy the Megamycete. Ethan was a rather bland protagonist in Resident Evil 7, but Village‘s ending did an excellent job of bringing his journey full circle. Ethan started as an average Joe but died a hero. The cycle of suffering has ended, Ethan can finally rest (it turns out he’s been dead for a while), and there’s hope for the future in the form of a super-powered Rose. All said, it’s one of the best endings in the series.

8 The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

The Franchise’s First Foray Into Horror Territory


super greyscale 8-bit logo

October 26, 2000

Nintendo EAD

While The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is certainly an adventure game, some fans would argue it’s one of the darkest among the Zelda titles, with even hints of horror. Its story will have Link end up in Terminus, a dimension parallel to Hyrule, as he uses magical masks to stop the Moon from falling into the world and destroying it. Link only has three days to do this and will have to repeat the same three-day cycle whenever he fails on this quest.

Although bleak in terms of having Link on an eternal purgatorial loop, he manages to save the day by lifting four dark curses that plagued the land. It’s revealed that the fabled Majora’s Mask itself is the source of all evil in Termina, with Link finally waking up in what seems to be a dream in a forest.

7 Haunting Ground

Unlocking The Game’s “True” Ending Is Worth The Effort

Haunting Ground



Haunting Ground is considered the spiritual successor of the Clock Tower series, with protagonist Fiona Belli finding herself trapped in a castle in an undisclosed location after a car accident with her parents. As she starts finding her way out, she befriends a dog named Hewie that becomes an integral part of the game. Throughout the story, Fiona discovers that she carries the alchemical element Azoth, which the game’s antagonist Riccardo aspires to acquire for immortality.

She faces multiple castle officers throughout the game, such as groundskeeper Debilitas, who becomes a rival of sorts in the story. Despite her struggles, Fiona and Hewie’s friendship would help them finally leave the castle in peace as the game’s true ending – quite unlike other survival horror titles that often leave survivors alive with some price. Moreover, letting Debilitas live would have allowed him to allow the pair to escape – with a second playthrough even allowing Debilitas to help them escape much earlier.

6 Parasite Eve

Teaches Players About Mitochondria And Coping With Grief (Kind Of)



September 9, 1998


The running gag that “the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” becomes a part of the terrifying reality in Parasite Eve, as the game involves NYPD rookie Aya Brea in her quest to stop a being known only as Mitochondria Eve, an entity capable of controlling Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures or lifeforms spawned out of evolved mitochondria. She aims to create a “perfect world” with herself as its ruler, something Aya and her newly-found Parasite Energy want to stop.


5 Horror Game Protagonists Who Can Use Supernatural Abilities

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At the end of the game, Aya manages to defeat Eve in her transformation as the “Ultimate Being,” retaining her mitochondrial powers that she uses to save the world two more times in the game’s sequels. In New Game Plus, Aya manages to have a tearful reunion with her twin sister, Maya, who died two decades prior to the game. Now “the Original Eve,” Aya would eventually have to fight this version of Maya, only for Maya’s consciousness to fight back and purge the Eve persona at the cost of their own lives. This will have Aya lose her powers – a worthy cost, considering how this encounter helped her finally come to terms with the death of her sister.

5 Sweet Home

A Horror Movie Tie-In And Classic Ghost Story

Sweet Home


super greyscale 8-bit logo

December 15, 1989

Despite the rather primitive graphics of Sweet Home, its story remains horrifying and its gameplay captivating enough for fans to state that this game laid the groundwork for survival horror. It begins when five documentarists go to an abandoned mansion to uncover the paintings of famous artist Ichiro Mamiya. They soon learn that they’re in for a fight for survival as the ghost of a woman traps them inside along with monsters out to kill them.

Throughout the game, the team realizes that the ghost is none other than Lady Mamiya, the wife of Ichiro Mamiya, who remains in grief after the death of their son. After a lengthy final battle, the team manages to appease her soul and help her pass to the afterlife just moments before rescuers arrive to save the team from the crumbling mansion.

4 Amnesia: The Dark Descent

A Surprisingly Light Ending After Hours Of Psychological Torture

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Survival Horror

Indie Games




September 8, 2010

A Lovecraftian game through and through, some hail Amnesia: The Dark Descent as one of the most horrifying games of all time, especially when tiredness and being ‘scared” is a mechanic, with protagonist Daniel (and the player) suffering more delusions the more he gets scared. This all happens when Daniel wakes up in an abandoned castle with no memory of who he truly was or what’s happened.

As the story reveals, this all began after Daniel discovers a strange orb that summoned a guardian known only as the Shadow, which started killing everyone else who came in contact with it. Consumed by guilt due to the extent of what he’s done to “protect” himself, Daniel forces himself to forget his memories, prompting the game to start. And while all seems lost for a happy ending, Daniel manages to redeem himself from eternal darkness, all while demonstrating a willingness to sacrifice a part of himself.

3 Silent Hill

Out Of 5 Possible Endings, The Happy Ending Is Canon

Silent Hill



January 31, 1999

The Silent Hill franchise proves that one’s mind can be one’s worst enemy, especially in the face of a vengeful spirit, a cult aiming to raise its twisted version of a god, and a town capable of bringing horrors to life. The story begins when Harry Mason has to search for his adopted daughter Cheryl, who was separated from him after a car crash en route to the resort town Silent Hill. This journey periodically brings him to a horrifying alternate dimension called the Otherworld, all the while meeting unlikely allies such as police officer Cybil Bennett.


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The first game meets its climax deep in the Otherworld, where the malevolent Order has begun preparations for sacrificing Cheryl to call forth an evil god. Despite this dark premise, Silent Hill 3 proves there is still light amid true darkness, as Heather Mason was shown to be Cheryl reborn, making Silent Hill’s good ending canonical. Moreover, its Good+ ending will have both Harry and Cybil survive, providing Heather with a mother figure to look up to.

2 Alien Isolation

A Last Minute Twist Gives Ellen The Ending She Deserves

October 7, 2014

OpenCritic Rating

Of all games within the Alien franchise, it’s probably Alien: Isolation that captured the sheer terror the films carried with them. Starring Ellen Ripley’s estranged daughter Amanda Ripley, players would have to help Amanda recover the black box of Ellen’s ship, the Nostromo, inside the abandoned Sevastopol Station to help uncover her whereabouts. Unfortunately for Ellen, this hulking space station is the only thing keeping her alive from a Xenomorph that has killed everyone inside the ship.

With the game not allowing players to truly kill the Xenomorph, Ellen had no choice but to simply try to escape its clutches. In order to avoid the Xenomorph infecting the rest of humanity, she made the ultimate sacrifice of not just bringing the spaceship to the atmosphere to be burnt, but also killing the Xenomorph in the vacuum of space. Just when Ellen thought she would be left alone in space to die, a searchlight is seen pointing at her face, indicating rescue.

1 Resident Evil 2 Remake

A Happy Ending If Players Ignore The Sequels

January 25, 2019

OpenCritic Rating

A retelling of the iconic Raccoon City Destruction Incident of 1998, Resident Evil 2 Remake will have players once again controlling Claire Redfield and rookie police officer Leon Kennedy as they fight for their lives in a city plagued by the undead. The two protagonists meet the young Sherry Birkin, daughter of scientist William Birkin who discovered the G-Virus, and accompany her as they survive the eventual missile strike that annihilated Raccoon City and its zombie inhabitants.

While the original Resident Evil 2 game will have all of them survive and go their separate ways, the Remake definitely added more lighthearted dialogue into the mix. After completing the game twice, players will see the trio walking on the outskirts of the city while having witty banter, as well as a reveal of just how close Claire and Leon have gotten throughout the series. This was a great way to showcase their development, considering Claire and Sherry would eventually pursue anti-bioterrorism work, while Leon would become the go-to government agent on bioterrorism throughout the sequels.


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