Best Decks for Spooky Chess

As the final event of Shocktober 2, everyone knew that Clash Royale would whip up something special for the fans. And as always, they didn’t disappoint. To wrap up Season 64, Clash Royale brought back the fan-favorite Chess Royale event with a spooky twist. Dubbed the Spooky Chess, this event will last from October 28 to November 4, after which the challenge will begin, giving you a chance to claim a brand-new banner.

Spooky Chess is a challenging and chaotic event that can quickly overwhelm players if they don’t have the right cards and counters. We’ve compiled some of the best decks for this event to make sure you’re fully prepared to take on the challenge once it drops in Clash Royale.


Clash Royale: Best Evolution Cards

Wondering which Evo card to upgrade next in Clash Royale? Here are the best Evo Cards in the game right now that are performing well in the meta.

Clash Royale Spooky Chess Overview


The Spooky Chess event replaces the standard Clash Royale arena with a chess board. However, instead of the chess pieces, you’ve got Guards as Pawns and different card towers for the rest. Each player will have two Bomber Towers in place of the Rooks, two Dark Prince Towers instead of the Knights, and two Executioner Towers instead of the Bishops. Additionally, the King Tower takes the spot of the King, and the Queen is replaced with a Mother Witch tower.

The Card Towers on your side will attack the enemy troops as soon as they get in range. The Mother Witch Tower will spawn Cursed Hogs if she hits the opponent’s troops, while the Executioner’s attacks will pierce through the units as usual. The Dark Prince Tower is an oddball, spawning a Dark Prince that charges through the field every 17 seconds.

You must take down the King Tower or the Mother Witch Tower to win the match. But considering how overwhelming it all is, it’s easier to try and win off the tiebreaker.

Destroying the Mother Witch Tower offers two trophies.

You can’t use any Evo cards at this event. Additionally, most cards that can deal massive damage to the opponent’s towers are also banned. Here’s a list of cards you can’t use in Clash Royale‘s Spooky Chess event.







Goblin Drill




Best Decks for Clash Royale Spooky Chess Event


Here are the best decks for the Spooky Chess event in Clash Royale:

  • Fishboy Gobstein Gaint
  • Recruits Firecracker Flying Machine
  • Mirror Mega Knight Pheonix

You’ll find more information about these decks below.

Fishboy Gobstein Giant


Card Name

Elixir Cost













Goblin Giant




While Spooky Chess is best played with spells to trickle down the enemy towers, this deck offers plenty of ways for you to break through. The three main cards in this deck are Fisherman, Pekka, and one of the most popular Beatdown cards, Goblin Giant. The rest are there to provide support and serve as your primary defense.

In most situations, you’ll want to place your Pekka in the middle of the board so that it can draw aggro from all sides. Put the Goblinstein behind your Pekka for some backup. The Bomber and the champion’s ability will help you clear out any swarm cards your opponent uses against the Pekka.

For offense, you’ll want to go with the Goblin Giant and place the Fisherman behind it to pull your opponent’s counters away. Use Rage to ensure the Goblin Giant gets to the opponent’s tower and deals damage. Zap will help you take out flying troops like Bats. If your opponent uses Minion Horde, use Zap and Rage together to take it out.

Use Zap at the right moment to help your Pekka win trades against your opponent’s Pekka

Recruits Firecracker Flying Machine


Card Name

Elixir Cost





Giant Snowball






Flying Machine




Royal Recruits


Royal Recruits is arguably the best Clash Royale card to apply dual lane pressure. But even when the lanes are removed in Spooky Chess, the Royal Recruits is still a good card for the event. Yes, the elixir cost is massive, but this one card alone can defend against just about anything your opponent puts down.

Flying Machine and Firecracker provide backline support. Since Arrows and Fireball are banned for the event, your opponent won’t be able to take out your Firecracker and Flying Machine in the backline. With Tornado, you’ll be able to line up Firecracker shots on the enemy tower to keep the pressure up.

Tornado also combos well with Goblinstein decks since you can activate the ability to pull enemy troops into it. Zap and Giant Snowball also provide decent damage when needed. Play defensively with this deck and try to target the Dark Prince Tower. The deck becomes extremely strong in the triple elixir stage, allowing you to cycle multiple Royal Recruits on the field to overwhelm your opponent.

Place the Flying Machine behind the Royal Recruits, and your opponent won’t be able to take it down quickly without the Fireball.

Mirror Mega Knight Pheonix


Card Name

Elixir Cost







Giant Snowball








Mega Knight


Ever since the new Mega Knight Evo made its way to Clash Royale in the Pekka Evo launch, its usage rate in Top Ladder soared. While traditional Mega Knight Bridge Spam decks aren’t all that good for the Spooky Chess event, the Mirror Mega Knight Pheonix deck is performing well, racking up consistent wins for those who use it.

Despite being considered mostly a meme card, Mirror is the perfect choice for this deck. You can use it to mirror Mega Knight and put it on opposite sides of the arena. They can deal with just about anything your enemy puts down. With the Firecracker firing shots from the backline and splashing the enemy towers, you’ll be able to deal massive damage without committing too hard.

Goblinstein, as always, is the champion of choice for this deck. Phoenix will handle most air cards your opponents might use. Use Rage smartly to help get the Goblinstein Tower to the enemy tower and activate the ability to deal massive damage to your opponent’s towers. Finally, you’ve got the Giant Snowball and Zap for a bit of control and direct tower damage when needed.

Try to protect the Phoenix Egg, if possible, to spawn another Phoenix.

Tips for Winning the Spooky Chess Event in Clash Royale

Clash Royale Champions Ranked - Monk

Before we take our leave, here are a few helpful tips to make sure you’re fully prepared to tackle the challenges of the Spooky Chess event in Clash Royale:

  • Goblinstein is arguably the best champion for this event. If the Goblinstein manages to get to your opponent’s tower, use the champion’s ability to deal massive damage and take the lead.
  • While big spells are banned, spell cycling is still a valid strategy to get tower damage in the Spooky Chess event in Clash Royale. Use Rage, Zap, or Snowball to deal direct tower damage during the double or triple elixir stage of the game.
  • Go for the Dark Prince Tower first with your win conditions. These towers constantly spawn the Dark Prince, which charges through the field. If you manage to take the opponent’s Dark Prince Tower down before they kill yours, you’ll have a numbers advantage in the match.
  • Avoid using high-elixir win conditions like the Golem or Giant since they can’t reach the enemy tower consistently.
  • The Mother Witch Tower will spawn Cursed Hogs if it hits your troops, so make sure you can handle it before you commit down the middle.
  • Only the damage done to King Tower and Mother Witch Tower in the tiebreaker counts.
  • When you’re up against Hog Rider or Royale Hog decks, make sure you deal with the win condition as soon as possible. It will run directly for the towers in the bottom row, ignoring the Guards.

Spooky Chess is a chaotic event that tests your ability to stay calm under pressure. Between the Dark Prince charging constantly every few seconds and the Mother Witch sending Cursed Hogs your way any time you manage to break through, you’ll need to keep a close eye on the board to ensure your towers remain healthy. With the right Clash Royale decks, things become a lot easier. Feel free to try out the decks we mentioned, and let us know how it worked out for you.

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